Photo by Miguel Rivera

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Wild Rock 2008 Pinot Noir

I guess bad memories are stronger than good ones, because even though I drank this one a while ago, I still remember exactly what I thought of it. Or it could be that I didn't like it, so I only drank one glass, so my memory is unclouded... you be the judge.

For a Pinot, this wine was just plain too sweet. The flavors themselves weren't unpleasant, but sweet and Pinot just don't mix. Not liking your wine is sad enough by itself, but it's a double shame because the food we had with it would have gone beautifully with a more traditionally dry pinot. We had pasta with tomatoes, spinach, and a gorgonzola cream sauce, more or less based on this recipe. If you like a sweeter wine this one might be good for you, but with so much else to drink out there, I wouldn't go for this wine again.

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