Photo by Miguel Rivera

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Mirassou 2008 Pinot Noir, California

Ok, to start off, Pinot has a "t" in it, which I'm more than a little ashamed I missed in the last post. Bad editor. Bad!
Whew, glad I got that of my chest. On to the wine… I'm fairly sure this was an "ooh, pretty label" purchase, but it was a good one. After the last disappointing Pinot, this was a refreshing change. Just the tiniest enough hint of sweetness to drink on its own (which I did!) but with a nice dry, oaky flavor to make it interesting. I drank this quite a while ago, so I can't remember anything else about it, but overall it gets a thumbs up and a "buy again" vote. Plus it has the added bonus that the label is super distinctive and easy to remember, so this one will be an easy re-buy. Delicious and pretty…a double threat!

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