Photo by Miguel Rivera

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Montes 2008 Malbec, Chile

What better thing to hear your significant other say on a random Tuesday night than "my boss told me to go home and have a glass of wine"? So we opened up one of the $10 malbecs we picked up this weekend. This one was simultaneously drier and fruitier than the previous malbec (Pascual Toso). The combo of dry and fruity was strange at first, when I had a glass without food. It's probably just habit, but when I taste a very fruity wine, the last thing I expect is for it to have a very dry, not the least bit sweet, finish. However, when we combined it with food — pasta with a rich Parmesan-y tomato cream sauce — it was significantly more delicious. The fruity flavor went very nicely with the tomatoes, and the rich sauce balanced the dryness. I wouldn't go for this one without some food to balance it out, but if you're looking for something to eat with dinner, go for it!

p.s. The girl scout cookies in the background of the pic are not a recommendation for a pairing. I recommend a glass of 2010 milk for the samoas and thin mints.

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